It was not too long ago that obesity was not the raging universal health problem that it is today - partly because we all used to have more physical activity in our lives.
To help curb this problem, what if we stopped thinking so much about "starting an exercise program," and concentrated more on increasing our physical activity, moving more throughout the day? Undoubtedly, we would see results like weight loss and a decrease in illnesses. So let’s consider simple ways to become less sedentary.
1. Here’s an easy one: use the stairs. I know you have heard this before but sometimes a simple reminder is all you need to take an action. Whenever you have the choice, walk up and down stairs – it’s a simple way to get where you are already going, and in the process log some great calorie burning, muscle strengthening miles in your week.
2. Walk your dog, and your kids, at least once, preferably twice, a day. We condition our kids and our animals to behave as we do, so if we don’t exercise them regularly, they become sedentary, and out of shape, just like us.
3. Walk to the market, or the post box, or a nearby restaurant for your meals. Imagine the gas you’ll save, not to mention how much healthier you’ll become by leaving the car at home whenever possible.
4. Walk to school or walk your kids to school, or park a few blocks away from any destination (a movie, a restaurant, your work). Parking just 3 blocks away (6 blocks round trip) from your intended destination, just a few times a week, will very simply increase your activity level. And since you are already going there, it’s kind of the perfect plan.
5. Take the initiative to plan activity time, versus sitting around time, with your friends and family. Take a hike, or a walk on the beach, or walk through and discover a new neighborhood – then you can sit down for coffee or a meal.
6. Keep comfortable shoes at the office and enlist your work friends to join you for a break-time walk-about. This is such a good way to reduce work anxiety and mingle/bond with associates.
These may seem obvious, but if you're not doing them, well, maybe doing what’s obvious isn’t such a bad idea.
Peace and Happy Trails –
Debbie Rocker
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